Narrabri to North Star Phase 1 project update July 2022

In July, our contractor Trans4m Rail progressed earthworks between Narrabri and Bellata, with 100% of the existing topsoil now stripped and stockpiled ready for re-use and backfilling of the new track formation well underway. Meanwhile, our signalling team installed two signalling huts at the Waterloo passing loop.

looking north along the Narrabri to Bellata project stage showing completed culverts and earthworks in progress

Thousands of cubic metres of soil have been moved, mixed and recycled along the first section of the Narrabri to North Stage Phase 1 project as crews work to construct the new earth embankments and capping prior to the arrival of ballast in late August.

To date 67 culvert banks and 66 wing walls have been installed along this complete section of the track possession and bridge construction has continued at the Ten Mile and Bobbiwaa Creek bridges with the decks on both bridges now installed.

Between Bellata and Gurley at the Waterloo passing loop, the signalling team installed two signalling huts that will be essential for the safe operation and control of trains as they enter and exit the loop. These huts were built in Newcastle, fitted out in Sydney then transported to site for installation.

A typical hut can take up to five weeks to fit out and commonly contain equipment racking, internal wiring, relays, power supplies, batteries, interlocking and axle countering systems.

During August, Trans4m will focus on completing earthworks across the full length of the section, including building up new embankments, laying down more capping and the first layer of ballast, as well as installing sleepers.

Two ballast trains will launch in the second half of August. A ballast train will arrive from Sydney starting at the southern end of the project to help distribute the bottom and top ballast layers once sleepers and track have been laid. The second ballast train will commence from the northern end of the section undertaking the same work.

Construction look-ahead August

Work between Narrabri and Penneys Road, Bellata

  • Bobbiwaa Creek rail bridge works
  • Earthworks, including lime stabilisation
  • Installing culverts
  • Level crossing works
  • Installing capping, ballast, sleepers and rail between The University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute and Penneys Road
  • Signalling works

Work between Penneys Road, Bellata and Tapscott Road, South Moree

  • Installing signalling near Tapscott Road and Waterloo Creek
  • Installing capping, ballast, sleepers and rail 1km south of Gurley Settlers Road to 4km north of Gurley Settlers Road
  • Level crossing works at Gurley Settlers Road.

Work between North Camurra and North Star

  • Installing signalling at various locations
  • Installing capping, ballast, sleepers and rail between Croppa Creek Road and North Star
  • Level crossing works at County Boundary Road, Croppa Moree Road, Buckie Road, Plevna Road, Tumba Road, Boonery Park Road, Bushes Access Road, Croppa Creek Road and I B Bore Road
  • Fencing and landscaping works between Tumba Road and North Star.

IMAGE: View looking north along the Narrabri to Bellata project stage showing completed culverts and earthworks in progress