Local insights flow in for Benalla and Euroa designs

We have received a steady stream of feedback since visualisations of our draft Inland Rail design options for Anderson Street bridge in Euroa and the Benalla Station Precinct were released on 22 September 2021.

Benalla social pinpoint interactive map

We would like to thank the many locals who have shared a wealth of local knowledge with us already.

Your views on our draft design options are valuable because you’re living and working in the community every day. They will help us shape the design for the future.

What you’ve told us so far

Our surveys give us the most comprehensive insight into your views, and we appreciate the time you’ve spent to complete these so far.

It’s important that you not only tell us WHAT matters to you, but also WHY it matters.

Here’s a snapshot of feedback from both communities:

Euroa Benalla
“The underpass is the more visually appealing option. Euroa is a small country town and does not need what looks like a metropolitan structure marring our town and views.”


“The existing access to the station is poor with little parking and manoeuvring space for vehicles, and pedestrian access is atrocious…The track realignment options would make a big improvement to appearance, access and provide space for vehicles to manoeuvre and for parking.”


“I value the reconnection of Railway Street and Hinton Street. This also opens access to Railway Street from a left veer off Anderson Street – I see this as much more connecting of the precinct than the underpass option.” “We need to protect and respect the heritage of our town. Safety is essential for movement of bus, cars, and pedestrians. Visual and environmental impacts need to be considered as it has to look nice for our town.”


“I worry about any cultural heritage that may be unearthed and if it will be handled sensitively and by the correct people. I also worry about wildlife and other animals entering the tunnel and with no way out being hit and injured or killed by vehicles.” “Benalla is a town with an ageing population but also many families. Safe, practical access to the station is important for everyone!”


“The visual links and ‘conversation’ between the heritage buildings in the area is stunning. Love that these historic buildings are not impeded by the bridge structure.” “The current overpass and limited parking impacts heavily on the access and safety of users especially when VLine buses don’t have a proper turning circle and have to reverse onto the platform to manoeuvre their turns. Realigning the tracks and opening access to a logical flow of traffic and parking will alleviate these issues.”


What’s next?

We will continue seeking the community’s feedback on the design options to deliver Inland Rail in Euroa and Benalla.

Once we’ve heard from a broad section of both communities, we’ll review all the feedback and work with our project team and other stakeholders to determine a way forward.

We need to keep our shops closed at 71 Railway Street, Euroa and 50 Nunn Street, Benalla until Victoria reaches 80 per cent double vaccination rate, but there’s still plenty of time and ways to have your say. We encourage you to:

  • Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the interactive map for more detailed information about the draft designs in Euroa and Benalla
  • Complete a survey via the interactive maps for both towns or send back the copy mailed to you
  • Book time to chat with our team via the below details
  • Join the community discussion via the link in Euroa and Benalla’s interactive map markers by adding a comment about the benefits and challenges of the different draft designs.

Call 1800 732 761, email victoriaprojects@artc.com.au or visit the Benalla interactive map or Euroa interactive map to have your say.
